Saturday, December 25, 2010

Purposed Changes for Our Food Collection Program to Begin in January 2011

1. We set up a collection box in the narthex that people can donate none perishable food to at any time.

2. We set up a section of our Social Ministry shelves in the store room for a small food bank to be given to ROL parishioners whenever they are in need.

3. We also let it be known in the parish that we collect perishable food items for distribution to parishioners in need. I have had parishioners approach me and say they have perishable food items they would like to contribute. These could be monitored on a daily basis. If they are reaching end of life, we can give them to the Lighthouse on a daily basis.We can keep the perishable food items in the refrigerator in the conference room.

4. This small scale food bank, for ROL parishioners in need, will be run casually. If we have food and someone needs it, we give it, no questions asked, and no accounting. It can be given out by the people in the office (Laura, Carey, Nadine, Father Paul) Bob or Liz by phone request.

5. Anyone who would like to take a more active part in this program, or know of someone in the parish who would, jump on board. Give me your feedback. Bob at

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