Friday, March 25, 2011

Decaying beauty

I bend over to pick up the dry fallen pedals of
the flowers I vased two weeks past
I should throw them out
but I can’t
there is still too much beauty
in their decay

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Today's Gospel - Matthew 17:1-9

Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother,
and led them up a high mountain by themselves.
And he was transfigured before them;
his face shone like the sun
and his clothes became white as light.
And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them,
conversing with him.
Then Peter said to Jesus in reply,
“Lord, it is good that we are here.
If you wish, I will make three tents here,
one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”
While he was still speaking, behold,
a bright cloud cast a shadow over them,
then from the cloud came a voice that said,
“This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased;
listen to him.”
When the disciples heard this, they fell prostrate
and were very much afraid.
But Jesus came and touched them, saying,
“Rise, and do not be afraid.”
And when the disciples raised their eyes,
they saw no one else but Jesus alone.

As they were coming down from the mountain,
Jesus charged them,
“Do not tell the vision to anyone
until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


ROL ANNUAL FISH DINNER will be held on Friday, April 8, 2011. Dinner will be served at 5:45 p.m. Don’t forget to sign up if you plan on attending, if you plan on bringing a dish to share, if you would like to make a donation and/or if you would like to help on that day. Deadline is Sunday, April 3rd. Our Youth and Young Adults will be presenting the Living Stations of the Cross after dinner.

from the desk of Fr. Paul… March 20, 2011

Bishop Silva has urged all the parishes in the Diocese to reflect and talk about the homeless situation here in the Islands. He feels that, as the largest Christian Church in Hawaii, the Catholic Church should take the lead in coming up with solutions for building affordable housing. In his letter to the parishes, he stresses prayer, but also wrote the following ideas on how to implement the plan for building these homes.

. Call together Catholic realtors to reflect on what they can do to help solve this challenge by identifying potential properties for affordable housing of various kinds and create a plan to acquire them.
. Call together Catholic attorneys who would volunteer their time to offer advice on the transfers of properties, and to tend to other legal matters.
. Gather Catholic bankers and financial planners to search out possible sources of funding for land purchase, building costs and maintenance.
. Ask Catholic facilities managers for advice on policies regarding the housing units to be developed.
. Ask Catholic land owners to consider donations of land parcels, of various sizes, for affordable housing.
. Call together Catholic developers to discuss how we can work in the long term to make sure that enough affordable housing is available to meet the needs of our community.
. Gather Catholic social workers to formulate plans to meet the social service needs of housing clients.
. Gather Catholic healthcare workers to offer health services to clients who may need them.

Once the Affordable Housing plan is established, we hope to mobilize Catholics and others interested in the issue, so that families or parishes can be sponsors for families seeking affordable housing but who may need training in financial management, maintenance or educational needs.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Confirmation I and II: March 13, 2011: First Sunday of Lent – Read the Gospel: Mt 4:1-11

Journal: How did you live out last week’s Gospel message? What was tough? What was rewarding?

I admire the way Muslims fast.
During their holy month of Ramadan, in the fall, Muslims abstain each day from all food and drink from sunrise to sunset. I have a Muslim friend who once told me his hunger helps him focus on what he really craves—union with God.
This week’s Gospel talks about Jesus’ forty-day fast. When the devil tempts him with food, Jesus replies that “one does not live on bread alone, but on every work that comes forth from the mouth of God.” Like my friend’s’ fast, Jesus fast focused him on his deepest hunger—union with God.
What do you crave? Our culture creates a lot of hungers. Sometimes it might seem like we can’t live without that special TV show or those shoes or that soft drink. Our consumer culture can create cravings that cause some people to choose selfishness over even friends or family. That’s why fasting can be a really good thing for people. When we give up something we crave—anything from a TV show to a favorite food—we realize that we can live without it.
Why not try a strict fast this Lent? Give up something you’ll really miss, like a meal each week, all drinks but water, or a favorite TV show. When the hunger comes, think instead about God and God’s promises. Then ask yourself, “What do I really crave?”

Journal: What can you give up for Lent that will cause you to remember your need for God? What will you do to build your hunger for God? in prayer? in service? In love for God and neighbor? Be specific.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A view from Kalawao

The new Office of Social Ministry for the Diocese of Honolulu website

"Here the Hungry Find Plenty."

At its January meeting, in response to Bishop Silva's urging for all Catholics to become more aware of the plight of the homeless, our Pastoral Council voted unanimously to increase our efforts to collect non-perishable food items here at ROL. I am encouraging and asking all parishioners to take part in this effort, called "Here the Hungry Find Plenty." Beginning this Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, there will be a special box located at each of the entrances. We are asking that you drop off your food items in these boxes before Mass. One representative will be chosen from among our parishioners at each Mass to carry a food item from the boxes to the altar at the presentation of the gifts. Please note that we are not asking you to make a large donation weekly. The goal is to develop a habit for each of us to keep those less fortunate in our thoughts as we shop. Some Sundays you may simply grab something from your own kitchen pantry on your way to Mass. It is meant to be a continual reminder of our good fortune and the very basic needs of our friends in Christ.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Faithful Citizenship - March 6, 2011

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church it reads, "The Last Judgment will reveal even to its furthest consequences the good each person has done or failed to do (remember how we start each Mass, "I confess to Almighty God…..") during his earthly life: …..He will turn towards those at His left hand: "I placed my poor little ones on earth for you….my members on earth were in need….But you have placed nothing in their hands; therefore you have found nothing in my presence."

The Catholic Church seems to be awakening from a long slumber to become more visible and insistent about helping the poor and homeless. There are a number of initiatives being supported at the legislature concerning these issues. Please call your Senator and Representative and tell them that the time has come to sort through the issues that place people in tents at the beaches and on the narrow strips along the sidewalks.

Here at Resurrection of the Lord, your Pastoral Council has voted on a goal for this year of increasing the amount of non-perishable food collected. Father will be announcing this effort at all Masses this weekend; and the program, "Here the Hungry Find Plenty," will begin on Ash Wednesday. The goal is to have each family bring a food item each week. Please read the announcement on the back of this article and post it in a handy place where you can be reminded of this effort when you grocery shop. Currently our donations are divided between Our Lady of Good Counsel in Pearl City and Sacred Heart in Waianae. Depending on the success of this drive, we may be able to consider helping others. Please make your thoughts on this known.

Gotta go boot up my hard drive! Aloha--- Mary B

From Hardship to Hope

Thomas Awiapo, Ghana, Africa:
His story of initiative and his joyful
presence have brought inspiration
to thousands of people in the U.S.

Thomas will be speaking at
94-1260 Lumikula Street
Monday, March 21, 2011
7:00 - 8:15 PM

Thomas Awiapo has a truly inspiring story of survival and success. Orphaned before the age of ten, Thomas survived bleak poverty and hunger in his small Africa village. His search for food led him to school at 12, and he eventually won scholarships to attend college and later earn a Master's degree in the United States. Today he works for Catholic Relief Services training community leaders throughout Ghana and promoting outreach to our sisters and brothers in need throughout the world.

Thomas' village received help from Catholic Relief Services (CRS) through Operation Rice Bowl, the program that connects prayer, fasting and almsgiving with education about poverty and hunger around the world. Thomas' visit is sponsored by CRS as a way to thank Catholic communities for their support and to raise awareness about hunger, relief development.

Confirmation I and II: March 6, 2011: Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Read the Gospel: Mt 7:21-27

Journal: How did you live out last week’s Gospel message? What was tough? What was rewarding?

Never forget Christopher Reeve.
He played Superman in movies. He was wealthy, popular, attractive, and fit. Then one day he broke his neck riding a horse, and he could no longer use his arms or legs.
But that didn’t ruin him. In fact, his life seemed to take on new meaning as he worked endlessly for a cure to paralysis. This man, who could move only a few muscles, changed the lives of millions by raising money to fight paralysis. Ironically, he became a real “superman” once his body broke down. This week, Jesus talks about life’s hard realities. Don’t count on your popularity, academic success, or physical talents to make your life meaningful. As Christopher Reeve discovered, it all can change in an instant. Life is full of storms. You will fail. You will experience loneliness. You will get older. Your body will break down.
Then where will you turn? Thanks to God we have a rock for security during those storms. He is Jesus, the Christ. Because of him, we can find a meaningful life regardless of the storms that hit us—just as Christopher Reeve did. That’s good news, but it’s also a warning. As a teen you set priorities and develop habits for living. Build your house on a rock by developing Christian habits.
Pray daily. Learn to lengthen your daily prayer time. Join a Christian group, where people know you and are there for you during tough times. Regularly serve those who suffer. It will remind you of how much you can offer regardless of your success, beauty, wealth, or popularity. Learn to forgive and apologize. That will build you a circle of faithful friends.
Build your solid foundation now. The storms will come.

Journal: What are the foundations—the basic beliefs, values, and habits—that you are building in your life? Relate a recent personal situation when this has helped you through a tough time. Be specific.

from the desk of Fr. Paul…

Lent is upon us! This coming Wednesday, March 9, is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Masses are at 6:30 a.m. and at 7:00 p.m. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at each Mass.

In her wisdom, the Church set aside this season of Lent, this season of repentance, to remind ourselves of the constant need to repent and cleanse ourselves of our sins. It is a season of penance and prayer. It leads us to Easter, the great celebration of our salvation. I urge you to use this season well.

As a reminder for us all, the Church has certain laws during Lent. As a Catholic, one must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, however, fasting is encouraged throughout the season of Lent, especially every Friday. This is the bare minimum. As God’s special people, given the opportunity of this season, should we not want to do more to renew our relationship with God and recognize what is keeping me from a closer relationship? The traditional forms of penance are prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Spending extra time in prayer (which includes Scripture reading and reflection), denying myself certain foods and becoming more aware of the needy through my volunteering and almsgiving, all help me to come closer to God. Using the Sacrament of Penance (confession) is a tremendous way of letting go of the past and experiencing God’s mercy, thus getting closer to Him. In addition to Sunday, coming and celebrating the Eucharist on one or more weekdays; the Council of Trent calls the Eucharist “a remedy to free us from our daily faults and to preserve us from mortal sin”.

As for devotions: Every Friday during Lent we will have Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.; aids such as the “Word Among Us” will be available to all who want it, to help us read and reflect on the Scriptures; the monthly handouts such as “Everyday Catholic” and “Catholic Updates” give us many spiritual insights for our daily living. Our neighboring Parish of St John (Mililani) invites any of you to their Parish Mission, March 21-23 at 7:00 p.m. The Penance Service for Resurrection is set for March 22nd at 7:00 p.m. I’ll publish the dates and times of the other Parishes’ next week.