Never forget Christopher Reeve.
He played Superman in movies. He was wealthy, popular, attractive, and fit. Then one day he broke his neck riding a horse, and he could no longer use his arms or legs.
But that didn’t ruin him. In fact, his life seemed to take on new meaning as he worked endlessly for a cure to paralysis. This man, who could move only a few muscles, changed the lives of millions by raising money to fight paralysis. Ironically, he became a real “superman” once his body broke down. This week, Jesus talks about life’s hard realities. Don’t count on your popularity, academic success, or physical talents to make your life meaningful. As Christopher Reeve discovered, it all can change in an instant. Life is full of storms. You will fail. You will experience loneliness. You will get older. Your body will break down.
Then where will you turn? Thanks to God we have a rock for security during those storms. He is Jesus, the Christ. Because of him, we can find a meaningful life regardless of the storms that hit us—just as Christopher Reeve did. That’s good news, but it’s also a warning. As a teen you set priorities and develop habits for living. Build your house on a rock by developing Christian habits.
Pray daily. Learn to lengthen your daily prayer time. Join a Christian group, where people know you and are there for you during tough times. Regularly serve those who suffer. It will remind you of how much you can offer regardless of your success, beauty, wealth, or popularity. Learn to forgive and apologize. That will build you a circle of faithful friends.
Build your solid foundation now. The storms will come.
Journal: What are the foundations—the basic beliefs, values, and habits—that you are building in your life? Relate a recent personal situation when this has helped you through a tough time. Be specific.
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