Monday, June 28, 2010

Confirmation I and II:

June 27, 2010: The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Read the Gospel: Lk 9:51-62

Journal: How did you live out last week’s Gospel message? What was tough? What was rewarding?

I grew up on Maui in the 1960’s and 1970’s, with a mother and a father who worked for the pineapple and sugar cane industries, respectively. Travelling around the island, I grew up marking time with the planting and harvesting of both crops throughout the years. Each season’s crop began with little plantings into full crowns or tall cane stalks. It was a miracle.
In this week’s Gospel, Jesus compares discipleship to plowing. Christians are like farmers. They bring new life into the world because they plow forward with their faith—something you can’t do if you’re always looking back to the past. Should you ignore your past? No.
I have a friend who made a lot of mistake in life; we’ve all made them. This friend of mine, however, wanted to become more Christian but found it too difficult. Why? She never learned from her mistakes or apologized to the people she hurt. As a result, she could never plow forward. By ignoring her past, she actually became stuck in it.
Following Christ doesn’t mean forgetting past mistakes and moving ahead. That doesn’t work. You can’t move forward in life with Jesus until you learn from mistakes and reconcile broken relationships.
Deal with your past mistakes and sins. It will help you set a hand to the plow, move forward, and bring new life into the world.

Journal: What past sins or broken relationships hold you back? Be specific. How has your past made you a better disciple?

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